Hocus Pocus Walkthroughs

Gameplay of Hocus Pocus (1994)



Hocus Pocus is a 1994 platformer MS-DOS game that can be played in DOSBox nowadays. You can get Hocus Pocus on Steam for a cheap price.

Episode 1: Time Tripping

Max score

  • Easy: 941,950
  • Moderate: 1,391,950
  • Hard: 1,841,950

Level details

The video descriptions have additional details and hints. Lever combinations are given as 0=down and 1=up.
Level 1
Time to beat: 150
Walkthrough on hard: YouTube
Level 2
Time to beat: 300
Walkthrough on hard: YouTube
Level 3
Time to beat: 400
Walkthrough on hard: YouTube
Levers for first crystals: up on left-hand side; right-hand side: 010
Levers to go down into lava room: 101

Level 4
Time to beat: 350
Walkthrough on hard: YouTube

Levers at beginning: 001
At gold lock, go up first to get silver key
Levers at gold lock: 1001
Level 5
Time to beat: 350
Walkthrough on hard: YouTube

Levers below start point: 001
Levers after icy pathways with monsters: 001
Levers w/ devils: top: 1, bottom: 100
Note that there is a secret platform after both key locks
Level 6
Time to beat: 350
Walkthrough on hard: YouTube

First levers below platforms with eskimos: 1001
Go right first after small rooms with devils
Levers before gold key lock: 1000
Level 7
Time to beat: 420
Walkthrough on hard: YouTube

Levers by floaters: 1110
Levers at end of lava pits with floaters: 0001
Level 8
Time to beat: 350
Walkthrough on hard: YouTube

Levers after warps: 0110 – do not go left yet!
To the right: first platform before many mobs = put in UP position
  Levers after pack of mobs: 00
Levers near crystals:
In the end: 9 platforms with bugbears
Level 9
Time to beat: 400
Walkthrough on hard: YouTube

Levers for monk after lava pit (right): 0101
Wizard with warps: take fourth warp
Levers after monk on left:



Health is given in number of hits to kill by difficulty (e.g. "2e, 4m, 6h" = 2 hits to kill on easy, 4 hits on moderate, 6 on hard).
Bugbear: charges the player. Health: 4e, 6m, 8h.
Croc: walks and shoots fireballs sideways. Health: 2e, 4m, 6h.
Devil: flies and shoots lightning downwards. Health: 2e, 4m, 6h.
Egg dragon: flies and shoots downwards. Health: 3e, 5m, 7h.
Eskimo: walks and shoots spears sideways. Health: 3e, 5m, 7h.
Floater: flies and shoots projectiles sideways. Health: 2e, 4m, 6h.
Mushroom: charges the player. Health: 3e, 5m, 7h.
Penguin: charges the player. Health: 2e, 4m, 6h.

Health & score

Health potions (green bottles) restore 10% health, regardless of difficulty. The damage taken in the game (contact with monster, hit by projectile, contact with a harmful element like lava) is always the same and depends on the difficulty:
  • Easy: 4%
  • Moderate: 8%
  • Hard: 16%
Each level has a time to beat (in seconds)—if the level is completed faster than the defined time, a bonus is awarded. Likewise, collecting all treasures also yields a bonus. Each reward increases the score and depends on the difficulty: +25,000 on easy, +50,000 on moderate, and +75,000 on hard.