Welcome to jalu.ch
Introduction and news
I use this website to share some PHP scripts I've done, such as a sudoku solver,
a base converter that supports decimals or a page that tells you your age in days.
I share some of my pictures, too, and am starting to add language-related content.
The server time is Feb 13 2025, 09:34 (GMT +0100). Current week number is week 07.
This year still has 322 days to go (43 elapsed).
July 2023
- Days calculator: Removed error about empty day and year if the language is changed before anything is filled out. (2023-07-20)
- Added 5 new entries to German-Dutch article differences. (2023-07-02)
- Added 22 new one-letter words (many Vietnamese ones). Thanks to Barnabas for a Hungarian submission! (2023-07-02)
June 2023
- Added Spanish and Dutch to the days calculator. It's machine-translated—corrections are welcome! (2023-06-29)
January 2023
- Changing input mode on Kakuro combinations slightly changes the URL so it can be bookmarked in the chosen input mode. (2023-01-14)
December 2022
- Added a pattern input for Kakuro combinations that also allows to see all permutations. (2022-12-22)
- Kakuro combinations: Added option to filter possibilities by required numbers. (2022-12-22)
- Fixed misspelling of a month in the days counter in French. Thanks to a report by anonymous in June. (2022-12-21)
January 2022
- Slight rework of the About page. Removed links to comics that only serve content via Tinyview, which has a terrible UX experience. (2022-01-31)
- Added Danish 'I' to one-letter words and a clarification about Danish 'a'. Thanks, Ole! (2022-01-30)
July 2021
- Replaced many http links to https. (2021-07-11)
- New: Hocus Pocus walkthroughs (old MS-DOS game). (2021-07-11)
June 2021
- Many more corrections to Blake Stone Maps by Jakub (MadJak91) added for missions 5 and 6. Thanks! (2021-06-29)
- Added many corrections submitted by Jakub (MadJak91) to Blake Stone Maps for Missions 1 through 4. Many thanks! (2021-06-23)
November 2020
- Remove falsehood that "Yunani"-like names for Greece all come from Arabic. Thanks, ranazouri! (2020-11-16)
- New: English words with 'y' that have 'g' in Dutch & German. (2020-11-15)
October 2020
- Removed dead links in About page and added a few links to the programming links page. (2020-10-30)
- Added Greek one-letter words and added some sample sentences. Sentence submissions are welcome! (2020-10-30)
- New: View time in different places of the world. Just in time for the switch to winter time in Europe. (2020-10-25)
- Country names: Minor editing + added new countries (ME, AL, AM). (2020-10-10)
- Added first Yiddish one-letter word. Thanks, hearosom! (2020-10-06)
August 2020
- Updated folder indexer to allow to show only certain file types (by request). (2020-08-04)
- One letter words: Add entry for Polish "z", meaning 'with'. Thanks, Erik! (2020-08-03)
May 2020
- Added two more countries to Country names in other languages. (2020-05-10)
- New: birthday milestones page, which list past and upcoming milestones. Rough version. (2020-05-04)
April 2020
- Created Country names in other languages with first few examples. (2020-04-25)
- Rewrote triangle completer to display the calculations it performs. (2020-04-21)
- Internal improvements to the code of the days calculator. (2020-04-05)
- Reworked the Coding index page. (2020-04-05)
February 2020
- Age in days: fixed age expressed as 'years and days' to be correct if the birthday is a leap day. (2020-02-29)
- Fixed today's leap day being counted in twice in the days calculator. Thanks to anonymous. (2020-02-29)
- Fixed 2020 bug in days calculator counting one day too many in the year as decimal age. Thanks Tina! (2020-02-01)
Updates in 2018-2019