Prime Numbers
Properties of the first 100,000 prime numbers
An Overview in Numbers
2 is the first prime number.29 is the 10th prime number.
541 the 100th.
7919 is the 1000th,
and 1,299,709 is the 100,000th prime.
All prime numbers from 1 to 10,000
Download the first 100,000 prime numbers
1287821 is the biggest palindrome in the first 100,000 prime numbers.
170: That's how many palindromes there are in the first 100,000 primes.
929 is the biggest prime palindrome under 1000.
13331 is the smallest prime palindrome to have 3 consecutive digits.
0: There are no palindromes with 4 consecutive digits in the first 100,000 primes.
See all palindromes
1222229 is the biggest number to have 5 consecutive digits in the first 105 primes.
4260 prime numbers have 3 (or more) consecutive digits.
309 prime numbers have 4 (or more) consecutive digits.
26 of the first 100,000 prime numbers have 5 consecutive digits.
List of primes with consecutive digits
A twin prime is a prime number that differs from another prime by two.
There are 10,250 twin primes in the first 100,000 prime numbers.
{3,5} is the smallest twin prime.
20.5% of the first 100,000 prime numbers are in a prime twin.
First 500 twin primes (13 KB)
Download the first 5423 twin primes
129 is the sum of the first 10 primes sumed up.
24,133 is the sum of the first 100 primes.
3,682,913 of the first 1000
and 62,260,698,721 of the first 100,000.
See all prime number sums
25,007 of the first 100,000 prime numbers end with the digit 7.
That's about 25%.
1 is the most frequent ending digit in the first 10,000 and 50,000 primes.
See all ending digit statistics